Friday, August 1, 2008

I ain't read to back down and quit the wars!

Semper Fi, it is not your place to ask why, it is your place to do or die!

Remember the Revolutionary War, was it wrong? Why was it being fought? Freedom to agree or disagree, freedom to post comments blogs, carry protest signs, write letters and emails about your opinions, read the books you want, see the movies you like, travel from city to city or state to state without check points and showing your id papers, to marry, divorce, live, die as you want, to want others to have your freedoms and protections of a government of and by the people, not tyranny, or demi-gods, not having to wait in food lines and beg for food for your children, have clean water to drink, being able to have basic health care, being able to have more than one child by government mandate, being able to have healthy babies and your children educated..the girls, not just boys, being able to enjoy a day fishing in the river, riding your boat on the lake, take your boy hunting, your girl to the father daughter dance, being able to attend her wedding in a holy place or another of her choosing, being able to worship in a church or not, being able to choose to eat out at a restaurant or eat at home, being able to have privacy in your home you bought, not an apartment assigned by the government based on your loyalty or money, that's part of what it was all about and much more. It happened and is still happening as we grow and change as a nation. It came to fulfillment after years of suffering and destruction and death by the military and civilians in America, because of the same men and women like those serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, WWI, WWII, Viet Nam, Korea, and many other conflicts.

These wars are being fought by MEN and WOMEN who honor those who fought in the past for them and were injured or died as others had fought for their freedoms before them. It is done to try and keep this world as safe as possible and keep the predatory human "wolves" at bay. The wars we fought were not always right and some were down right asinine but they happened. In some way they caused many things to change and we certainly changed and learned from our victories and our mistakes. We tried to gather all the information needed before proceeding with any military actions and at times we waited almost too late to enter the fight, or too early and stayed too late, but we always answered the call. War is hell and no one wants them but they are at times necessary because of those who would destroy us and others we have ties with and who needed our assistance and aid in times of great life or death situations. We had assistance from France in our Revolutionary War and from Britain and others countries in many of our conflicts.

When we stop believing in ourselves and what we stand for here in America, we can just fold our little government tents. We can wait for the next resident takeover country to move on into the top slot because we will have lost our will to live, to give, to love, to care, and to be a part of the whole fabric of this world. We will have admitted defeat and hung our heads in shame, lost our self-respect and our reason for living and being who we are in this big world of people, places and things. I ain't ready to do that just yet, are you?

Can you stop a car going 60 miles an hour by just opening the door and dragging your foot on the ground? No. Can you stop a war in 60 seconds by twitching your bewitched nose? No. Can you get gas and oil out of a turnip? No. Can you replace your blood with chocolate syrup and live? No. Okay, can you turn your back and let a terrorist paint a yellow stripe down it and thank him for it? Huh? I didn't hear you? Can you say it is okay for Iran and other terrorists filled countries to have nukes since they are such reasonable, peace loving people living there? Huh? I didn't hear you? Can you reach over and kiss your arse goodbye? Well, if you don't answer "No" to that you one, you just lost it, by not understanding any of the above questions.

I hope you enjoy the video. It carries a good message for just living your life. Remember, our freedoms ain't free because somebody somewhere, somehow had to pay a price for you to have them. Not just in wars, but in life in general. We should be aware sacrifices come in all shapes and sizes. We know one size does not fit all, and neither do freedoms. We must continue to fight peacefully and war-like to gain or retain the freedoms we want for ourselves and others.

Just a little food for thought for all of us everyday we live in this beautiful, great, free country and have the right to bitch about everything wrong with it. Then, take for granted all that is right with it while we bitch and moan without thinking how it came about.

Here's to peace and love in your life, Peach

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