Saturday, September 29, 2007

Happy Autumn To All My Pumpkin Friends


Happy Halloween! Be safe! Have FUN! Take lots of photos of the costumes!

Remember to share the love and kindness in your life as bread on the waters.

Hugs, GA Peach
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Sally Wendkos Olds said...

Hi Georgia.

I am writing a book tentatively titled "GRANDMA, YOU'RE SO COOL!: 100 FUN THINGS TO DO WITH YOUR GRANDKIDS." The book will consist of a variety of activities that today's grandmothers do with their grandchildren. First there will be a little story, and then suggestions for doing the activity. I'll be emphasizing the kinds of things we modern grandmas do that those of previous generations might not have (like using computers, cell phones & other technology, doing sports together, etc.), but also including some traditional activities. I'd love to hear what you do with your grandkids. And I'd love it if you would check out my new blog,
To find out more about me, you can go to my website:

I love your pumpkin photo. One thing I enjoy is seeing how my daughters do some of the same things with their children (going to a pumpkin farm, picking apples, etc.) that we did with them.

Looking forward to hearing from you...


Margaret said...

Happy Autumn to you too. We already started decorating and getting our pumpkins ready.

This is my favorite time of year. Now until New Years. =O)

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