Sunday, November 30, 2008

Obama, he da Democrats Man, eh

Obama, he da man
he got a master plan
to fix all de troubles
of this land.

We got ta help him
carry it out
by the bag, bushel or
we gonna get dat free
Democrat money with any luck.

Bring your big money sack
taxpayers and don't be late
for da income attack
cause Democrats & other folks
knows you is rich and can
stand da weight.

Taxpayers, The Kennedy's, and
Clinton's, too, done got dem
big eyes on you.
No need to complain, no need
to wail, cause it's dat bailout giveaway law
and you be going to jail.

If yo belly get empty,son,
your clothes be threadbare
I knows a secret, most gov'mint
folks don't care.
It's plain out robbery without
no gun.

We, Americans, been shuffling from Peter to
pay Paul.
It done catch up to us and likes
Humpty Dumpty
We in for a big fall.

Grab dat super glue and start
to mending yo stocks nest egg
Y'all better git on wid it
and shake a leg.
The gov'mint gonna make us do
our part by giving our money
to them with a heavy heart.

The charities will suffer this year
for sho, cause we ain't gonna be donors
anymore, but recipients at theys

When the middle income man is gone on
to his retirement or his maker,
what are we gonna do when gov'mint
can no longer be his money taker?

Democrats have you any
money? Yes, sir, yes, sir,
three bags full
one for dat hack Mr. Reid, one
for the Pelosi dame,
and one for the recycled old Democrats
gov'mint "bag" men lurking in the
White House lane.
--by da PeachRose a/k/a MRL
Under the Joel Chandler Harris literary license style

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