Tuesday, December 18, 2007


"For God so loved the world,he gave his only begotten son, so that those who believed in him, should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16 The Holy Bible

We all celebrate this time of year in our own special way. I celebrate it as the symbol of the birth of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. I say "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for 2008" to all, no matter how you believe, or in the way you worship your faith, or have no faith. If you believe in being kind, loving, caring, sharing, and helping your fellow man, woman, or child with the grace and goodness of your heart, then you and I can agree.

I wish you all a peaceful, happy, reflective, and loving Christmas. May you have a Happy, Safe, Healthy and Prosperous New Year in 2008. May our country be united in one voice, one nation, once again. May our enemies be few and our blessings be many.

"Light a candle of goodness to chase away the dark shadows of evil, which surrounds us daily." Please be a point of good light for all to see, especially for our children. Please share the love and kindness in your life as bread on the waters for others to enjoy.

May God bless you and yours always,

Hugs and Love, GA Peach


Anonymous said...

Love it darling Milly...
Susan P.

Anonymous said...

PeachRose: You just keep on, keeping on! I never seen anybody move up the editorial adder like the one with thorns...you take care and be well...have a great holiday!

Margaret said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours Peachy. Sorry I haven't been bloggin much at SMN - the site was pulling down my computer with all of the scripts/etc. But I'm all fixed now. Just hoping for a little free time but things at work are getting much more hectic.

But... I'm off for the next few days so watch out. Hehehehe. Loves ya.

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